Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) 2021 Elections Leave a comment

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?Organize and ensure that every year every teacher gets a branded t-shirt and provide KUPPET branded water in all County Co-Curricular activities.
?Organize and mobilize teachers to attend the Union’s AGM and advise the Executive on attractive transport reimbursement, proximity of the venue, proper and NO long queues for meals.
?Organize KUPPET officials to visit schools and conduct recruitment of membership to the union.
?Organize for benchmarking with other KUPPET branches and borrow a leaf on better progressive leadership.
?Organize the businesses of the union in a way that maximizes the benefits of a teacher. For instance; KUPPET Office rent and the Union bus.
?Organize and mobilize the union in conjunction with the Sub-County Welfare officials on awards for Outstanding Performances and also recognize the teachers proceeding on retirement.
?Organize the collection of data of Teachers who have long stagnated in JOB GROUPS and forward to the Branch Executive to implement.

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